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She walked in the desert and noticed the life around her despite harsh conditions. Cacti bulged with century-old muscle, standing with firm skin and needles. Green leaves of a tiny bush swayed in the breeze. Yellow flowers added a dash of color. Rocks glimmered in the sun. She rose her camera and recorded these silent yet incredible beings. She edited the video with iMovie. She watched the video and recorded her playing piano, uploading it to capture the beauty of a barren yet meditative wonderland of nature of a wild patch in-between the suburbs, the YMCA and freeway.

Film 01

She knew she had to leave somewhere after meeting her birth mom in the Philippines. She spent a month at her adopted parent's house and there she decided to live in Chicago to heal, be inspired, work on her media, intern and really contemplate graduate school in the fall. She left on a 36-hour train ride and recorded her surroundings with her digital camera, capturing the dawning of a new day, on a train ride to a new beginning. 

Film 02

She lived in a cosmopolitan 24-story apartment with a Mongolian couple residing in the living room for one month and out of desperation, flew to a charming apartment in Logan Square, where she began to work a lot at Chicago Urban Art Retreat, started a blog, published her first zine, lead her first Recycled Arts Workshop, met her first Filipino-American adoptee who also likes media, signed up for Heritage Camp, outlined the vision of upcoming story-telling art, and sent a few of her offbeat essays to some magazines. Every day has been a challenge of some sort. But each day she reflects on her adoption and adoption issues, while using her media to uplift herself, and hopefully others someday too. 

Film 03

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